
Listen to nature • Listen to nature • Listen to nature •

Take the pulse of an African heartland

Breathe deeply. Pause for a moment. Set your senses on high alert, and stretch your gaze to the far horizon. What you see, all around you, is a land that has been restored, rehabilitated, and returned to its natural beauty and grandeur.

A wildlife reserve where nature comes first, and where we are privileged to be its custodians.

On the southern shoulder of the Etosha National Park, Ongava Private Game Reserve occupies 30,000 hectares — more than 74,000 acres — of pristine Namibian bushland.

Our mission at Ongava is not just to maintain and sustain this sacred space, but to study its mysteries, unravel its secrets, and ensure that it continues to flourish for the benefit of future generations.

Heralds of an ancient breed, a rhino and calf stand sentinel in the sanctuary that bears their name.
Heralds of an ancient breed, a rhino and calf stand sentinel in the sanctuary that bears their name.
Follow in the footprints of the rhino

The rhino is Ongava’s spirit animal, the heraldic creature that symbolises and watches over our mission to conserve and preserve.

Rhino were the first species to be relocated to this wilderness when it was transformed from unproductive farmland, and we continue to monitor and safeguard this still-endangered species.

But the rhino, at Ongava, is not alone. It keeps company with lion, leopard, elephant, and a wide diversity of other species that were once at home on these plains, and are now at home again.

On night drives, guided walks, bush trails, and on-foot encounters, you’ll see for yourself why Ongava is a place of sanctuary for the human heart and soul too.

A pause to reflect on the beauty of nature in the wild.
A pause to reflect on the beauty of nature in the wild.
The bush casts new light on why we need to protect and conserve every species.
The bush casts new light on why we need to protect and conserve every species.
Eye to eye with a monarch of the wild, Ongava invites you to contemplate the power of nature and our place in its fragile ecosystem.
Eye to eye with a monarch of the wild, Ongava invites you to contemplate the power of nature and our place in its fragile ecosystem.

A sojourn in the wild

We like to think of a sojourn in the wild as a form of retreat or escape. In truth, it’s the opposite. To venture into the bush is to take a step forward, to advance into new realms of experience, understanding, and knowledge.

At Ongava Game Reserve, your journey of discovery will widen your horizons and sharpen your insights into the delicate relationship between nature and our species.

You’ll see, up close and in person, how conservation can transform barren farmland into a sanctuary where endangered species are free to thrive in their natural habitat.

And back at camp, in the unparalleled luxury of our lodges, you’ll discover the creature comforts that elevate a stay at Ongava to an experience that will linger forever in your memory.


As custodians of Ongava, our duty of care places us in a unique position to further the cause of scientific research and conservation. You’ll get to see our efforts first-hand, appreciating anew how humans can make a meaningful and positive difference to the viability of the wild and its creatures.

The epic story of Ongava's return to eden

From bush to farmland, from farmland back to bush, the story of Ongava is an epic tale of a landscape that has been rehabilitated, rejuvenated, and restored to its natural grandeur.

Beginning with the relocation of rhino, one of Africa’s most threatened species, Ongava has introduced an abundance of game back into the thriving wild.

In close collaboration with scientists and researchers from around the world, we’ve made great strides in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem, while giving our guests an unforgettable experience of a realm where nature always comes first.

Explore what we are learning and how we are responding to the needs of the planet

Building partnerships in research and conservation

We have formed research and conservation partnerships with local and international organisations, to better understand the environment and help to meet its needs.

Supporting local communities

We are working on sustainable development projects that will help to support local communities, while ensuring the conservation and protection of the environment.

Conserving and protecting wildlife

As a private game reserve, we are implementing a range of measures to safeguard and protect our precious wildlife species.

Keeping a close watch on the land

Through our ecological monitoring and research activities, we aim to understand the impact of human activities on the environment, and learn how to best to protect and conserve the wildlife in the region.