Ongava For The Photographer

Published on 26 February 2025|Le Roux van Schalkwyk

Ongava is one of Namibia’s premier retreats, seamlessly blending luxury and comfort with spectacular wildlife sightings set against the natural beauty of the reserve. Situated adjacent to Etosha National Park, the extensive wildlife found here also makes it the ideal getaway for photographers. With animals ranging from rhinos, elephants and lions to smaller game and a colourful assortment of birdlife, it offers both seasoned camera enthusiasts and casual smartphone users the opportunity to capture stunning shots of Africa’s wildlife against rugged landscapes.

Getting the best shots always requires some patience and luck. However, going on a guided drive increases your chances of capturing breathtaking images of lions at a kill or an elephant in the warm, red glow of the setting sun. Expert guides not only ensure that they get you the best angle for your photos, but they also share their in-depth knowledge about animal behaviour. This insight is invaluable for photographers who seek to capture the essence of wildlife in their natural habitat. For smartphone users there is no need to worry about not having a zoom lens – Ongava’s guides are known for their skill in getting visitors close enough to snap crisp, intimate images of the animals without causing them stress and while maintaining guest safety at all times.

Ongava Lodge and Anderssons at Ongava have their own viewing hides set close to the waterholes, which allow guests to observe and photograph wildlife up close without disturbing the animals. These sheltered vantage points let you capture nature’s most magnificent moments or sit in awe as you watch an elephant slurping up water with its trunk, lifting it to its mouth and messily gulping it down, or guinea fowls running about and kicking up dust silhouetted against the rising sun. The hides offer photographers the chance to get a different angle than from a guide vehicle and allow more abstract photos due to the proximity to the animals.

Photography tips for Ongava:

Always keep your camera or smartphone ready: Animals are unpredictable, and you might miss the shot of a lifetime while you are still scrambling to get your gear out of a bag.

Get up early: Watching the sunrise from a hide and experiencing how the bush comes alive with sound and movement is magical. Waterholes can be a hive of activity early in the morning and apart from an array of birdlife, you might spot one of the shyer animals such as a hyena coming in for a quick drink of water before it disappears back into the bush.

Use natural light: Take advantage of early mornings and late afternoons when the lighting is softer. If you are not on a game drive during these times, grab a book and a coffee and spend time in a hide. Not only will you enjoy the serenity of the bush, but you will see plenty of wildlife at the waterhole.

Experiment with angles and perspectives: From the hides, try low-angle shots that highlight certain aspects of the animals against the landscape. On game drives, ask your guide to help you find creative angles.

Practise patience: One of the joys of staying at Ongava is slowing down and immersing yourself in the wild. Sometimes the best photographs come from simply waiting and watching as nature unfolds before you.

Whether you bring your professional camera or shoot with your phone, Ongava and its wildlife will provide you with the opportunity to take photos and leave with visible memories of your Namibian experience. But always remember the most important photography tip: after taking photos, put your camera down and allow yourself to just be in the moment. Feel the sun on your skin, listen to the sound of the birds and insects, and fully take in what your eyes are seeing. Photos can never tell the full story, but moments like these will remain with you forever.

Photography: Valentino Morgante, Le Roux van Schalkwyk, Tom Hazel

Game Drive Sunset
Game Drive Sunset